AXA-China Region Apps

AXA@Work 7.10.20170330
AXA@Work offers you instant access to latestinformation on employee benefits anytime, and anywhere to bringreal peace of mind to you.It includes:Employee Benefits‧ Create your own Login ID and password to access details‧ Check claims details‧ Search medical clinics/centres by location or specialty‧ Locate the nearby medical clinics/centres by GPS function‧ Download claims formsDownload now for free to enjoy the new service experience providedby AXA.ABOUT AXA HONG KONGAXA China Region Insurance Company Limited (AXA CR) and AXA GeneralInsurance Hong Kong Limited (AXA GI) are members of the AXA Group.AXA CR commenced its operations in Hong Kong starting from 1986,providing a comprehensive range of insurance, wealth management andretirement solutions in Hong Kong and Macau. Established in HongKong for more than 170 years, AXA GI has been providing general andhealth insurance products and services, offering financialprotection to individual and corporate clients.ABOUT AXA ASIAAXA Asia is committed to become a preferred company in financialprotection and wealth management. AXA Asia is part of the AXAGroup, and has grown rapidly in Asia with a presence in China, HongKong, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore andThailand. AXA Asia serves over 6.4 million customers and employsover 7000 employees across the region at the end of 2012.ABOUT THE AXA GROUPThe AXA Group is a worldwide leader in insurance and assetmanagement, with more than 163,000 employees serving 102 millionclients in 57 countries. In 2012, IFRS revenues amounted to Euro90.1 billion and IFRS underlying earnings to Euro 4.3 billion. AXAhad Euro 1,116 billion in assets under management as of December31, 2012.The AXA ordinary share is listed on compartment A of Euronext Parisunder the ticker symbol CS (ISN FR 0000120628 – Bloomberg: CS FP –Reuters: AXAF.PA). AXA’s American Depository Share is also quotedon the OTC QX platform under the ticker symbol AXAHY.The AXA Group is included in the main international SRI indexes,such as Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) and FTSE4GOOD.It is a founding member of the UN Environment Programme’s FinanceInitiative (UNEP FI) Principles for Sustainable Insurance and asignatory of the UN Principles for Responsible Investment.LanguagesEnglish and Traditional ChineseAXA@Work 隨時隨地為您提供最新的僱員福利資訊助您安枕無憂。功能包括:僱員福利‧ 自設登入編號及密碼,以查看相關服務詳情‧ 查閱賠償詳情‧ 按地點或專科科目搜尋醫務所‧ 以GPS功能搜尋附近的醫務所‧ 下載索償表格立即免費下載及體驗由AXA安盛提供的嶄新服務!AXA安盛簡介安盛金融有限公司 (安盛金融) 及安盛保險有限公司 (安盛保險)乃環球AXA之成員。AXA安盛於1986年開始在香港經營業務,為香港及澳門的客戶提供一系列全面的保險、財富管理及退休方案。憑藉在香港逾170年的保險業務經驗,安盛保險一直致力為個人及商業客戶,提供一般保險、醫療保險,以及財富保障之產品及服務。AXA安盛亞洲簡介AXA亞洲矢志成為財務保障和財富管理之首選公司。AXA亞洲乃AXA的一部分,其業務於亞洲區多個國家迅速增長,當中包括中國、香港、印度、印尼、馬來西亞、菲律賓、新加坡及泰國。截至2012年年底,AXA亞洲於上述國家的員工超過7,000名,竭誠為超過640萬名客戶服務。AXA 集團簡介AXA集團(“AXA”)於提供保險及財富管理服務方面為世界翹楚,員工人數超過163,000名,於57個國家服務超過一億名客戶。以國際會計準則計算,AXA於2012年全年的收入達901億歐元,核心盈利達43億歐元。截至2012年12月31日止,AXA管理的資產總值達11,160億歐元。AXA的普通股股份於法國巴黎證券交易所Compartment A以股票代號CS (ISN FR 0000120628 –Bloomberg: CS FP – Reuters: AXAF.PA)掛牌交易。AXA的美國預託證券則以股票代號AXAHY在場外交易OTC QX 平台掛牌交易。AXA已被納入多個國際主要社會責任型投資指數,包括道瓊斯可持續發展指數(DJSI)及富時社會責任指數系列(FTSE4GOOD)。AXA亦是聯合國環境規劃署金融倡議(UNEP FI)保險業持續發展原則之創會會員,及聯合國責任投資原則簽署機構。
iRun for Love 2.1.3
iRun for Love tracks your run with GPS,clearly marks down your performance on a map with distance,duration and pace.iRun for HealthSet your target and run for it! Soon and then share your greatactivities with your friends through social media platform.iRun for LoveEnrol in charity runs with iRun for Love which combine voluntarygiving with street run. Give the people in need a helping hand andshare your love with a trace!iRun for FunAccumulate points while running to redeem a wide range of amazingrewards! iRun for Fun, let the run be fun!
Emma by AXA 1.15.0
Emma by AXA is a mobile application for AXA Hong Kong andMacaucustomers, which aims to bring convenience and personalexperienceby offering a broad range of insurance and healthservices.Download now to explore more! Be well-informed and manageyourinsurance policies anytime anywhere: 1. View and manage policy2.Submit and track claims status 3. Manage funds 4. Connect withlivechat agent or chatbot via “Ask Emma” 5. Pay renewal premium6.Search panel doctors Explore AXA BetterMe healthservices(including physical wellness support, mental wellbeingsupport andchronic disease management) under “My Privileges”: 1.“MindCharger” Charge your mind and uplift your mood withguidedmindfulness sessions by renowned yoga teacher, Margaret Chung2.“Symptom Checker” Understand possible implications of yoursymptomsanytime, anywhere and get information on when to seekadvice from adoctor 3. “AXA Goal” Walk more and get rewarded bypremium rebate*% 4. “Wellness Offers” Special wellness offers anddiscounts forAXA customers* 5. “Nurse Hotline” Registered nurses tosupport youand ease your doubt on health* … And many more!*Exclusive foreligible policy holders % Emma by AXA obtains yourhealth andfitness data through Health keeper which obtains stepcount fromHealth app (HealthKit) to track your step count. You canlink yourfitness device (Fitbit, Garmin) and Apple Health throughEmma andearn points based on your achieved step count. ABOUT AXAHONG KONGAND MACAU AXA Hong Kong and Macau, a member of the AXAGroup,prides itself on serving over 1.5 million customers withoursuperior products and services. AXA is the top-tier life insurerinHong Kong with the longest history. In addition to being the No.1global Property & Casualty commercial lines insurer, we aretheNo. 1 most considered insurance brand in Hong Kong. We are alsooneof the largest health protection providers in Hong Kong andMacau.